Our Story

The Niitsitapi
We refer to ourselves as the Niitsitapi, or real people, who were created by Apisstotoki to live in harmony and equality with all other beings in our universe. We are Land Keepers and stewards to all living things as we are called to never forget the heritage of creation.

Black Feet
Our ancestors were terraformers who shaped the lands upon which they lived. Many of the characteristic flora found upon our traditional territories find their roots in the traditions of our ancestors. Our people would burn the grasses of the great plains so that the animals would graze the medicinal plants that would sprout from the burnt earth. In turn, we would hunt these animals, our feet blackened by the charcoal, and become imbued with medicine ourselves.

The Niitsitapi have great reverence for the Buffalo, the Being that sustained our ancestors and that was integrated into every part of their lives. In the summer months, our people would follow the buffalo and would spend the winters alongside their herds. The lives of the historical Blackfoot tribes were mobile and in harmony with the rhythms of the Land.

Speakers of Truth
Our language is an integral part of our Niitsitapi identity. It is multilayered, complex, and reflective of our culture’s innate humor and dedication to truth. Our stories are the threads that connect us to our ancestors and descendants. Our words convey our history, our heritage, and bind us together as a collective people.
Cultural Resources
Interested in learning more about the Niitsitapi? Stayed tuned for access to cultural resources that explore our heritage and history.