
Chief Ouray Crowfoot
The Siksika, or Blackfoot Nation, have over 7800 members and are located in south-central Alberta.
Siksika Nation (Blackfoot)
Address: P.O. Box 1100 Siksika, AB T0J 3W0
Phone: 403-734-5100 Toll free: 1-800-551-5724
Email: admin@siksikanation.com

Chief Roy Fox
The Kainaiwa, or Blood Tribe, inhabit what is now known as Southern Alberta and border the city of Lethbridge.
Kainaiwa Nation
Address: P.O. Box 60 Standoff, AB T0L 1Y0
Phone: 403-737-3753
Email: info@bloodtribe.org

Chief Troy Knowlton
The Apatosi Piikani, or Peigan Nation, consists of approximately 3600 individuals and is located in modern-day Alberta.
Piikani Nation (Peigan)
Address: P.O. Box 70 Brocket, AB T0K 0H0
Phone: 403-965-3940

Blackfeet Nation
The Aamskapi Pikuni, or Blackfeet Nation, are located in modern-day northwest Montana and share a border with Canada. Approximately 17,321 individuals belong to the Aamskapi Pikuni Nation.
Amskapi Piikani (Blackfeet Nation)
Address: 640 All Chiefs Road Browning, MT 59417
Phone: 406-338-7521